Causes of Short Breath – Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

The diagnosis and treatment of common symptoms of short breath is not as simple as it seems. Shortness of breath can be a symptom of many conditions and can be caused by internal or external factors. Treatment can be difficult for this condition if you have no idea what it is all about.

Symptoms of Short Breath

There are some symptoms that are very common but there are other symptoms that are only minor symptoms. For example, mouth ulcers are not that common but they can be just as irritating as a short breath. It might feel like you have a blister on your tongue and will make it hard to eat. But a blister on your tongue is not a symptom of the problem.

It is not wise to assume that if you have an allergy to dust mites or to tobacco, this means that you are suffering from heart disease. Even asthma can cause shortness of breath. But it can also be a symptom of something else. For example, someone who has asthma may be a candidate for pulmonary embolism, a condition in which blood clots and travels to the lungs.

Sometimes, the symptoms of short breath can be caused by an external cause. However, for people who have short breath because of a medical problem, there are some treatments that can help relieve symptoms.

Some of the most common symptoms of short breath are nasal congestion and blocked nose. These symptoms are often the result of viral infections or sinusitis, when mucus builds up in the nose and causes congestion.

Inflammation of the lungs is another possible cause. If the patient has a lung disease, for example COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), he or she can be prone to chronic cough. This cough will tend to last longer, making a person less likely to finish a working day.

Other causes of short breathing are:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Excess fluid around your heart
  • Heart attacks
  • Heart failure
  • Heart rhythm problems
  • A low red blood cell count
  • respiratory infections
  • allergic reaction
  • Sudden blood loss


If your short breath is accompanied by other symptoms, it is probably a good idea to discuss the diagnosis with your doctor so you can decide what type of treatment is best for you. Knowing the cause of the problem will help your doctor to make a proper diagnosis and guide the treatment plan.

Treatment of Short Breath

There are treatment options for common causes of short breath. It is important to make sure that you are getting the right treatment for the symptom before rushing to the emergency room for a recommendation.

Short breath caused by a cold is usually relieved with an inhaler, but sometimes nasal spray can work. If a patient cannot get relief with the above treatment, he or she should consult their doctor and determine whether something more specific is needed.

Trigger point injections are another treatment option. When the trigger points located in the muscles of the airways are found, the doctor can recommend to the patient a treatment plan to reduce swelling and inflammation. Sometimes a cortisone injection can do the trick.

Patients who suffer from chronic bronchitis will usually require medication to control the symptoms. Chronic bronchitis will usually require more complex treatments because the causes of short breath will also affect the lungs.

Symptoms of short breath can be caused by a lot of factors. Do not ignore the symptoms, because you will not know what is causing them until you have diagnosed the cause. Be aware of any possible cause, so you can treat it and prevent the problem from happening again.

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